Getting Started with Audio Weaver
A video series of lessons to help you start building audio products immediately and cover all of the basics of Audio Weaver Designer from how it works, how to use it effectively, and some tips and tricks to get the most out of it while you're getting started.
GENERAL CONCEPTSIn this video, we cover all the basics you need to know to start using Audio Weaver Designer today to develop audio products.
GENERAL MODULE CONCEPTSLearn how to configure modules with inspectors, set variables using the property sheet, change arguments like the number of channels, change module status, and how smoothing works in modules.
PINS AND WIRESLearn more about wire properties (block size and number of channels), pin propagation, changing the block size, and channel matching.
COMMONLY USED MODULESWe introduce the most frequently used modules, show how they're used in practice, and also give some general tips and tricks.
SUBSYSTEM AND HIERARCHYSave yourself from building a single layout with hundreds of modules that make it difficult to maintain. Subsystems let you manage the complexity of large systems with no overhead.
CONTROL SIGNALSWant to add a volume knob to your system? Control signals are great for controlling multiple modules. They are also more efficient since they operate at a decimated rate on a single sample of data.
ADJUSTING THE CANVASCustomize the size of your design, page size, select what information is displayed, and how to print your layouts.
CONTROLLING AUDIO PLAYBACKControl real-time audio playback in native mode (on the PC). Set the audio source to either a pre-recorded audio file or the line input from your sound card.
PROFILINGProfile your system in real-time, get detailed profiling information (MIPs and memory) for each block. Use the peak profiling tool to measure the average and peak CPU load.